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金氏便利店 第一季

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金氏便利店 第一季

Peter Wellington
故事發生在一間位于多倫多市中心的便利店內,經營店鋪的是金氏夫婦,他們在80年代移民來到了多倫多,依靠著不懈的努力在這里站穩了腳跟,生兒育女傳宗接代。金家的兒子脾氣非常火爆,在16歲那一年,兒子阿君和父親之間爆發了一場劇烈的爭吵,最終兩人談崩了,兒子... 更多



drama課final paper存檔|racial identity 2022-01-04

When people leave their homeland and immigrate to another unfamiliar country, will they still remember their original identity? Kim''s convenience tells a story about a Korean immigrant family and life in this convenience store is like a small society, showing the living conditions and lifestyles of... 詳情


Everyone in the town knows and is familiar with each other. After I went to middle school, I moved out of town. After that, I went back almost once a month. However whenever I came back to the town and came to this convenience store, the couple would always call my name accurately. They still REMENB... 詳情

My own memory of the convenience store 2021-12-02

During my childhood, a large part of this time was spent at my grandmother''s house in a small town. The town is not as prosperous as the city, and there are still no convenience stores that open 24 hours in most urban cities. In my town, there is also a convenience store similar to Kim''s convenien... 詳情

純英文字幕的金氏便利店,有人需要么? 2020-11-16

從網飛下的4季純英字幕的,不懂有沒有人需要,個人還是比較喜歡純英文字幕的,雙語字幕的雖然看的爽了,但是感覺很難提升英文水平。從網飛下的4季純英字幕的,不懂有沒有人需要,個人還是比較喜歡純英文字幕的,雙語字幕的雖然看的爽了,但是感覺很難提升英文水平。從網飛下的4季純英字幕的,不懂有沒有人需要,個人還是比... 詳情

請問金氏便利店哪里有資源呀? 2020-05-17

請問金氏便利店哪里有資源呀?請問金氏便利店哪里有資源呀?請問金氏便利店哪里有資源呀?請問金氏便利店哪里有資源呀?看過了初來乍到,這種華裔生活情景劇非常有意思,不是所有事情都是那么光鮮的!再追金氏,想為去多倫多作點準備請問金氏便利店哪里有資源呀?請問金氏便利店哪里有資源呀?請問金氏便利店哪里有資源呀?... 詳情

接地氣的韓英混搭練英語劇 0000-00-00

劇情好像還可以,就是設計一些日常類的小點點,,,目前只看完第三集,,,主為聽英語用的,,但主聽car rental內女主的片段,,店里英語一帶而過,好多韓式不太純,,,,但整體情節還行比較接地氣,,,原來雙手捅屁在韓式英語里叫domnjeen,好像拼錯了,但看劇看的發音記住了,,,hahahahahaha 詳情
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